Monday, May 24, 2010

GOD is here

        The other day in my living room sitting before the T.V. set, I was watching Shereen Bhan reading out latest business news with intermittent inputs from Udayan Mukherjee interviewing a Business Honcho about contemporary trends in Stock Market, it was then that I quizzed myself, Don't these guys ever get bored of the Financial talk ? Do they never have mental fatigue ?, while trying to figure out a 1000 different ways to create more wealth, are they so happy doing all this; day after day and year after year, maybe because it’s their job or maybe even that they chose this profession only because they love Economics so much.

        Then suddenly, I was astonished at a strong realization, all these years since my birth and even before that, my father has been providing for the family, working hard day in and day out devising new ways to multiply the money and showering tender love on family members all at the same time. He has rightly put in his blood and sweat alike making the household grow from being utterly poor to fairly good, without complaining ever and always sacrificing his personal life.

        My mother following in his footsteps, in her own might chooses subtle but profound ways ignoring herself completely serving us day and night alike all these years, without even blinking and never taking a day off. Her life is a set of pains and tensions more harrowing and deeply secret, than that of my father's, she being a Woman.

        Still, my parents have never let us children to bear the brunt of the hell-fire scorching on them. They have all the while worked hard and loved us profusely. It takes infinite perseverance, strenuous hard-work and a golden heart to do, what my parents have been doing all along.

        I must admit, "God Exists on this Earth", for me it’s my parents, without a slightest doubt.

Dear Parents (my God),
                    Even if I put all my life working to serve you and love you, it is nothing compared to what you have done, to raise me, to teach me the way of life, the lessons to keep up with this world and inculcating in me the good habits and a base of a clean character you have established in me.
                    I hereby bow before you and vow to keep you happy all through your life; and will always remain under your careful eyes and make you proud by leading a righteous life.
Your son,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I would be...

I would be Fresh Air when you breathe
...Blue Sky when you roam free
...a Grassy Land when you lay peacefully
...Bright Sunshine when you play around
...a Patient Ear when you speak
...a Gentle Boy when you hold my hand
...a Stable Shoulder when you weep
...a Cozy Lap when you nap
...a Firm Hand when you are afraid
...a Warm Heart when you need love
...a Passionate Man when you want me to be
...a Sweet 'n' Soft Pillow when you punch me
...a Chubby Cheek when you slap me
...a Black Hole when you abuse me
...a Sponge when you kick me
...a Statue when you hate me
...your Lover when you hug me
...a Content Man when you kiss me
I would be Me when you Love me

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lonely Girl

Lonely Girl is Miss Goods
Always under pretext of Hoods
Lurking daily in the Woods

Her thoughts are Cute
Speaks like an Old Flute
This Personality has deep Roots

On her face is an occasional Glow
Often thrown away by a bitter Blow
Forcing her behaviour to Let it Go

About the world she has no Clue
Friends in her life are very Few
Own folks behave as if Shrewd

She has always been on Ground
True love she has never Found
Badluck to her is quietly Around

Happiness from others she has to Borrow
Strangely she's always in Sorrow
She even tried to get help from Tarot

Her movements are smoothly Swift
With resources she's too Thrift
Seldom she receives any Gift

Never has she shown any Greed
An inch of luck is what she Need
Then the wheels would be set to Speed

I wish today, she turns Ferocious
In her acts becomes Voracious
While still being a Lady Gracious