Friday, April 3, 2015


If you are not aware, please take note that Indian House Sparrow numbers are dwindling. Recollect your childhood or the last decade, where you would hear sweet chirps every morning and evening, is it still the same ?

sparrow having foodgrains & sev

 I generally keep foodgrains and water for birds all round the year in my balcony, but wanted to do something extra for sparrows. I & Wifey, have placed a cardboard box with holes opened for sparrows to nest in, though none have arrived yet my hopes are up as ever.

Also, placed multiple Tulsi(Holy Basil) plants in same balcony, where foodgrains and nest are there. As I have observed that sparrows eat Tulsi seeds and nibble on its leaves too.


sparrow couple enjoying tulsi

Over last two months, my family has witnessed an increased number of sparrows visiting for food, water and Tulsi nibbling. Although it would be great to see them nest in some corner of my house, but still seeing them come in numbers for feeding is also satisfactory.

I wish, you people will also take some initiatives, especially for sparrows and in general for all birds starting this Summer. The least you can do is place drinking waterpots for birds in your verandahs and/or balconies.

Me & Jaan

Me & Jaan(now Wifey)

Married on 21/01/2015