Saturday, December 16, 2023

Only You could


Dear Wife,

Only You could
talk to me endlessly

Only You could
answer all my questions untiringly

Only You could
not bear to see me lonely

Only You could
feed me the first morsel of food after being hungry all day yourself

Only You could
kiss me like no one is watching

Only You could
be the one I need to hug

Only You could
see through me

Only You could
break and make me again

Only You could
care for me like no one else would

Only You could
quench my inner thirst

Only You could
sync with me like nothing else in the World would

Only You could
believe in me, the way even I wouldn't

Only You could
see my hidden potential

Only You could
trust in me like no one else would

Only You could
confide in me all your secrets

Only You could
show me your deepest wounds

Only You could
hold my hand like no one else would

Only You could
have faith in me when I guide your path

Only You could
wait for me eternally

Only You could
claim me as forever Yours

Only You could
dissolve in me completely

Only You could
Love me like no one ever would


kranebits #22

 हम किसी के सुख का कारण न बन सकें तो कोई बात नहीं, काम से कम उनके दुख का कारण न बनें

kranebits #21

 When you start thinking for others, instead of about others Life will become better.

kranebits #20

 Do what you can today, to have a better tomorrow

Monday, February 20, 2023

kranebits #19

 Pichle zamane ke channels, sponsors se paise leke Ads dikhate the, aur ab Subscriber se paise lete hain Ads na dikhane ke liye!

Wednesday, January 25, 2023



In general, not your friends, relatives, extended family or for that matter even your to-be-spouse will have the fortune of staying near you. This privilege is held only by your neighbors. Neighbors are the first ones to know when your kid got a new bicycle, you got a new refrigerator or even a car. Neighbors bear with you when your teenager plays loud music, your guests flood the common lobby, your house is undergoing renovation, or when you struggle to open the main door returning from late night parties.

When you suddenly need a little of that Masala, or a measurement tape, or a candle, or some extra chairs for your guests, or drinking water when your filter broke in all such cases your neighbors come to the rescue. When there is loss of a family member, neighbors are the first moral support you get to deal with the crisis emotionally and physically. By standing shoulder to shoulder with you, they not only lighten your burden but also help you with the rituals and even serve water & tea to the visitors who come for condolences.

When you go for vacation, you trust your neighbors with the house keys, knowing well that if something happens, they will look after your house. And when you return from the trip how exciting it is to share the sweets and travel stories with them. Throughout the year we celebrate with them by exchanging sweets on Sankranti, splashing each other with water & colors on Holi, cooking & sharing special dishes on Chetichand/Gudi Padwa, lighting diyas & firecrackers together on Diwali, etc. The sheer joy of dressing up, celebrating festivals and taking selfies is incomplete if not shared with neighbors.
They are the ones with whom you physically share the same living space, come together as a community and support each other during various events in Life.

Even after all this it so happens that neighbors are not aware of many intimate things in our life, meanwhile sharing other huge part of our life. But if your neighbors are with you even in the other dimensions of your life, then God has blessed you with the rare fortune. In villages it might still exist but in cities, this was there only till two or three decades ago that neighbors had a much more intimate and important bond with each other. Where they were the lifeline support for each other during good and bad times in life. Without a blood relation, a binding contract or an agreement what neighbors do for each other is what really makes us Human.

Please tell us about your relations with your Neighbors in the comments. Thank You.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Lessons from Pandemic

  The pandemic has without a doubt shown us clearly that “Health is Wealth”. If you are healthy, if you have invested even a little time building your physical and mental health then you can overcome many difficult situations in life with ease. Being healthy does not mean that you will never fall sick or go through an illness rather it means that you will rarely get sick and even if you get ill or contract an infection you will come out of it much faster and bounce back with a renewed resolve to stay healthy.

The other lesson that we all learnt is “Our Savings save us”. Yes, such is the nature of this pandemic that a man has to isolate himself from everyone if he wishes to not fall sick with a dangerous infection. This is the prevalent condition in our country as well as many other parts of the world, you can’t move out for the routine stuff or even for earning your livelihood. You may venture out only for two reasons either to get food or to get medical help. But if you are a frontline covid warrior in that case you daily put your life on the line to save hundreds of others lives. The lesson here is whatever we maybe earning, we must have a habit of saving first and then allocating money towards expenses, doing so our savings will gradually increase and they will be useful when we really need them.

In such times of turmoil and ever-changing scenario even if we isolate ourselves at home physically, the mental health also needs to be taken care of. When we are bright and high then we shall uplift the mood of others be it family at home or friends and relatives over the phone or video calls. And if someday we feel a bit low, then helping hands will come from unexpected directions and if they don’t, then pull yourself up and remind yourself that You are Tough and this will also pass away. Simply put, help others while you can so that when you need it, help will be just around the corner.

The activities that we do on a daily basis, this pandemic has made us realize how much of it is actually necessary and the rest can be just dropped. We have really come to know what are our priorities in life and we should question ourselves are we working towards them or not? Because by now many of us have realized there is no tomorrow, tomorrow will always remain tomorrow. Whatever we need to do or have to do, it is to be done today itself.

While there are various lessons that we have learnt from this pandemic, the most important one is ‘Death is Inevitable’, sooner or later it is going to happen to each one of us. Yesterday it was a friend, today it maybe a neighbor, tomorrow it could be me. We need not fear this instead we need to get wise as we become aware of this.

We should always question our self,

What matters the most to me? Am I taking care of that?

Towards which direction I wish to take my Life? Am I working for that?

As they say, past is memory and future is imagination, we must pay attention to what we are doing with our present and then our Life shall thrive.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Grand Connection

  When we are born our parents are 24x7 on duty, alert all the time because as babies we have no fix schedules, we poop anytime, cry at anything, don’t know to speak, just throw fits and keep showing attitude (laughs). Still our parents make their best efforts to nurture us by giving their time, energy, money and everything else for that matter.

But sometimes even the Heroes(parents) get tired and then what? Then come the Superheroes, our Grandparents. Yes, when even the parents can’t take it anymore our grandparents save the day. Not only they have more experience of life but have also seen many babies grow up to be adults. So, they very well know how to take care of babies and kids, when the parents need a desperate break.

During our childhood, grandparents shower us with their love and blessings all the time. They play games with us, dance with us, engage us in so many activities and have all sorts of fun with us. They are also very keen about our nutrition; they constantly tell our parents to feed us with all the good and healthy foodstuffs so as to make us strong and healthy right from our formative years. Knowing how much physically vulnerable a small child is, they are very protective about us both inside and outside the house.

    When we reach our teens, we have more grown-up fun with our grandparents and enjoy our Life together. By this age, we start returning the favor, we take care of their health, accompany them for health check-ups, help them with their medicines and sometimes also sneak them some fried, spicy food items and sweets (laughs), which they can’t have often in that age due to health concerns. During our teens, many a times we don’t see eye to eye with our parents on many matters there our grandparents bridge the gap and ease down the situation with their playful intervention. With their love they try to make us understand our parents’ viewpoint, putting much needed sense into us. Many times, out of sheer love they also take our side, just to keep us happy. Sometimes we don’t even agree with our grandparents, yes, such situations also come. But then we can’t always agree on all the things even with our loved ones, right?

    When we become young adults, our grandparents become very old and they need more love, care and support from us, more than ever. At this stage of life, they are again physically and emotionally very vulnerable, they might never show this but it’s a fact. Hence, we must be sensible and mature enough to understand their needs and take care of the same accordingly.

    By now, we start understanding and valuing the knowledge they were trying to impart to us all along and also respect their vast experience of Life. We must learn from our grandparents as much as we can and as fast as we can, before they have to leave us. Lucky are those who are nurtured, loved and cared for by their grandparents in addition to their parents. The bond that we share with our Grandparents, I call it ‘The Grand Connection’.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

There is no way to say

 Dear Wifey, meri Jaan 💕

there's no way to say

how much I miss You

There's no way to say

I still look around everywhere for You

There's no way to say

the ways in which You complemented me

There's no way to say

You truly completed me

There's no way to say

how much I cared for You

There's no way to say

how much You mean to me

There's no way to say

that there can be no one else now

There's no way to say

that you were, are and will be the only One for me

There's no way to say

I still believe in myself only because of You

There's no way to say

what you have made me realize

There's no way to say

what I'm going to do for You

There's no way to say

how much I Love You 💓

Sunday, November 22, 2020

of God

Father - Hand of God
Mother - Lap of God
Uncle - Care of God
Aunt - Love of God
Brother - Arms of God
Sister - Warmth of God
Daughter - Sweetness of God
Son - Energy of God
Friends - Surprise of God
Enemies - Test of God
World - Children of God
Guru - Pathway to God
Wife - Merging with God
Self - Expression of God

Friday, October 2, 2020

Student Teacher tackle Corona

Young students are cooped up in their homes
Teacher knows they have become lazy set of bones

Students & Parents frantically search new books
Teacher sends them meticulously drafted handwritten notes

Students are not allowed to come for class
Teacher promptly arranges for online class

Students get tired of staring at screens
Teacher turns entertainer to make things green

Students will struggle with online platform
Teacher will repeat until the last one is informed

Stuck in the house, students are studying no matter what
Teacher is solving their doubts round the clock

Online unsupervised tests, all the students give
If someone cheats, the teacher will still forgive

In these tests the students win
Teacher loves them as his own kin

Topping the tests students get gifts and prize
Teacher sends their home sweet blessings and surprise

Repeated tests give students a fatigue
Teacher is secretly taking them to a different League

Final exams are just a duty
Year long journey is the actual beauty

During the studies Teacher holds their hand 👏
Throughout their Life, students stay his Fans ❤️

😊 Please share your valuable feedback in the comments section.
Thank You. 🙏

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Illness is a Boon, not a curse

During an Illness, we can clearly see what all unnecessary, unrequired, useless clutter is present in our Life. So much of our time and energy was spent on that useless stuff during our 'Healthy/Normal' days. Let us get rid of all such stuff as soon as we identify it.

This is a personal observation, during an illness I seem to be getting in Sync with nature's cycles - getting up early, sleeping on time, eating only what is right for the body in necessary quantities, chewing properly and last but not the least no urge to check the Mobile phone first thing in the morning after getting up in bed. I do none of these right things in my 'Healthy Days'. Now I can say lesson well-learned, I will change my ways and be more conscious of whatever I do on a daily basis.

With your family members taking care of you during an illness, specially in case of an infectious one, it takes a lot of maturity and self-control to avoid unnecessary touching while receiving continuous care, and to still keep loving as always. You must refrain from going too close to them, wash your hands frequently, do not touch random stuff around the House, especially the personal stuff of other family members. These measures would be very effective in preventing the spread of infection among the family members.

During illness, with all the pain, discomfort and soreness, we are not even aware of what is going on in our home with other family members, we are disconnected from the World at large and the drama associated with it. We get Centered in our Being quickly during an illness. This centering is not so easily achieved otherwise, the Yogis and Saadhaks do much to achieve this, whereas an ill person with simple quiet sitting gets Centered in his Being very easily, without any Sadhana as such. Enjoy this Centering, remember this experience, imprint this feeling on your mind very well. So that when you are out of illness, you continue to seek this Centering and put sincere efforts to be in that state of inner stillness.

Now, after recovering from the illness, I again see the shift in myself towards the old, unhealthy and unnatural ways of living. I have unconsciously again started taking more portions of food than are actually required, eating at odd times, not chewing the food properly, no fixed schedule for taking rest and sleep; all this is a surefire way of landing into the next Health Disaster. Perhaps this unconscious shift to old harmful ways, happens to most of  us and we tend to forget the hard learned lessons.

I will push myself towards a better way of Life which is more conscious and filled with awareness at each step. I also request you the Reader to do the same.

🙏 Please share your valuable feedback in the comments section below. Thank You 🙏

Monday, August 10, 2020

Women in my life..

My 100th blog post ought to be Special, ought to be dedicated to someone Amazing and ought to be released on a Special Date

This Woman gave birth to me, nourished me from herself, drenched me with her Love and Mamta all these years, has been a sanctuary for me always and Loved me more than anyone else in the world, she is still at it. Only after growing up to a certain age and maturing to a particular level of understanding, have I known her struggles. As I grow into a man, she is getting older and many things will never be the same, I have to prepare myself and herself for the same.

I wish she takes up Yoga, Pranayam and Meditation on a daily basis, but being a devoted House-wife taking care of each & every need of the family, she gets very tired which leaves little or no room for her personal activities. Only now I have realized that all these years, whatever she has been doing day-in and day-out taking care of all of us, without any deviation whatsoever and going the extra mile many times just to please us, that is her Actual Sadhana. Her daily work itself is an Arduous yet fulfilling Sadhana.

My Chachi (Uncle's Wife), has been a second Mom to me and my younger brother, ours being a joint family. As soon as she was engaged to my Uncle, she used to treat me and my brother with delicious food items. After she married into our family, she started cooking fancy food at home, as a result we got all nice and tasty food-stuff at home itself. That was her way of showering Love on us children by regularly treating us to New Dishes, all hygienic and Home-made, thus greatly cutting down our need or desire to have street food or restaurant take-outs.

My Sister from another Mother(My Paternal Aunt's Daughter), is my rightful Sister for all Intents and Purposes. She's the sister I spent my childhood weekends and vacations with, enjoyed fun stuff together, games and dances, movies and music, TV and stuff, maturity and spirituality; all this and much more was shared among me, my brother and her; which is now etched in our minds as beautiful memories. She is a young Mother now and as life progresses, we both support each other during difficult times and the bond keeps strengthening with each passing day. We also share all the good news and achievements of Life with each other, otherwise what use is good news if you don't share it with a Loved one. Before my marriage, I had told her She's gonna get a best friend in my to-be-wife, which she realized after meeting my Wife.

My Wifey, from whom I was physically separate as anything, came into my life, loved me dearly, made me hers(rather, after meeting her I never ever wanted to be without her in my life), we were madly in love, the minds started tuning, we had same likes and dislikes, same outlook towards life, we began fusing into each other literally. One of the best things about her was, she Perfectly Complemented my lack of certain qualities by her people skills, this made her my Better-Half indeed. There is a certain thirst in me which was quenched only when I heard her voice on the phone, or met her in person and at present I get that feeling only when I see her in my dreams. I always felt Oneness and Closeness with her in spite of the physical distance between both of us for most part of our lives before our marriage. She did everything for me, all that a devout Wife would do, she not only gave herself completely to me, but also Accepted me in Totality for whoever I was, without ever asking me to change. This was her True & Self-less Love for me, which I now understand in its entirety.

That Oneness with my Wife is nowhere to be found with anyone else now, not that I am looking for it from other people. That experience of Oneness with my Wifey was only once disturbed and went missing just 1 day before my Wifey passed away, on that day the physical distance between us was zero, but the life energies were not fusing with each other like before, perhaps a disaster was about to happen and it did too; I couldn't save her even with all my love.

All my life, my Mom and Wife have been unfair to me.

unfair: not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice. At times, I have been avoiding, disappointing, hurting, sometimes keeping the truth from them, but all they gave back to me was Undying Love, Constant Care and Endless Support; so unfair right! 

Mom Loved and nurtured me in such a way, that I turned out to be a decent man who puts Love and Care above everything else, who can easily put his guard down when surrounded by Loved Ones. Chachi now, not only feeds me but also teaches me the art of cooking, so that I can become a better man. My Sister and I are round-the-clock support for each other, and will always be. My Wifey Accepted me totally and Loved each bit of me. I am forever indebted to these Women who have Invested their Life on me Literally! Now, there lies a huge responsibility on my shoulders, to live a life which is worth this much amount of sacrifice and love from these Amazing Ladies.

Dear Mom, I will keep loving and taking care of you always. Dear Chachi, as time progresses I will prepare good food, and you shall relish it. Dear Sister, we will always be there for each other. My Sweet Wifey, you are never out of my mind, I know what I have to do.

Thank You God for blessing me with the Best Mom, Wonderful Chachi and a Caring Sister and on top of that gracing my Life with the Perfect Wife.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Pandemic Bright

pandemic in the world
Prevention is better than Cure and
Survival is better than Death

too much risk of infection
More Caution in Daily Life

no unnecessary travel
More Time to be Productive

no unnecessary shopping
More Saving for Future

lost contact with people
Learnt to do many things Independently

not meeting new people
Got Closest to Family

many things are unavailable
Making the Best use of what is Available

material distractions are very few
Real needs becoming more Apparent

times are difficult
True well-wishers are now Distinct

daily drama is gone
more clarity of Mind

you are somehow saved
Help others in Need

emptiness is biting
Introspect what we Ultimately Want

never to forget the lessons learnt
Everything happens for a Reason and
Sooner or Later the Brighter side Appears!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Pandemic Contrast

humankind seems to be apart
Eco-system is having a Blast!

we are coughing
Our Bad deeds are Laughing

we are just blinking
social circle keeps Shrinking

although we are eating food
Nothing seems to be Good

we are irking
Birds are Chirping

we are boring
Animals are Roaring

our living is reduced to a sample
Outside world is Ample

now-a-days all things we are frisking
Daily Life is now Risking

using maximum our mobile
we ourselves have become Immobile

we are not healing
World is Cleaning

we are tired of thrills
Daily our Spine Chills

under pressure we are reeling
a day at a time we are Stealing

we are crying
Times are Trying

we are praying
Nature is Slaying

never to forget the lessons learnt
we are Mother Nature's just one of the many sons!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Women are like Flowers

Women are like Flowers, they bring beauty, elegance and delicateness in a man's life. Like flowers they are so many, spreading their colors all over the world.No matter how much and how many you come across, there will always be others each unique in their own way.

They can enchant him with their charms and also drive him away with the pseudo thorns. They can stay together with you forever, with the knot of a subtle thread. They will leave you once and for all, if that's what you really call out for. 

They flourish in the warmth, love & care of a man and fill his world with great fragrance. Their whiff is enough to make a man's day. Their simple touch is enough to cheer the children up. Her comforting gesture is enough to take care of his parents.Using her essence she cooks great food and with equal love she feeds one and all.

As the flower giveth seeds, she giveth new life. Her milk nourishes the infant as a whole, her lap comforts the baby's soul. In her garden the baby grows, in this world again a sweet man arose.

Knowledge like a Banyan tree she possesses, when as a grandma she caresses. In her shade the person moulds, she turns him into human gold. 

She never goes away even if she dies, her greenery never leaves your eyes. She keeps you loving forever, wherever she is no matter.

Women are like Flowers.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Prayer is a phenomenon

Prayer is a phenomenon...
where we thank the Lord for all that he has given us
where we realise that we can't hold it even with both our hands, so much we have received
where we melt in gratitude in front of the Lord
where even our soul is standing in obeisance with joined hands before the Lord
where we just smile and look up at the sky
where our head bows without a try
where our mind is shun and we don't ask
where we have nothing to speak and so much is said
where we are overwhelmed and don't know what to do
where the ego breaks and we realise that we are not special someone
where we are drenched in the grace
where we empty ourselves of the self and wait for the divine to descent & dwell in us
Prayer is a phenomenon which should happen with Parents and Guru too.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

kranebits #18

Today can be the last day of my life, so I must definitely do my Sadhana today.

kranebits #17

I believe daily meditation is the SIP to realise God one day.

kranebits #16

Until I realise God, I only know my Guru, the doorway to spiritual possibilities and knowing everything. Pranam to Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.