Saturday, May 8, 2021

Lessons from Pandemic

  The pandemic has without a doubt shown us clearly that “Health is Wealth”. If you are healthy, if you have invested even a little time building your physical and mental health then you can overcome many difficult situations in life with ease. Being healthy does not mean that you will never fall sick or go through an illness rather it means that you will rarely get sick and even if you get ill or contract an infection you will come out of it much faster and bounce back with a renewed resolve to stay healthy.

The other lesson that we all learnt is “Our Savings save us”. Yes, such is the nature of this pandemic that a man has to isolate himself from everyone if he wishes to not fall sick with a dangerous infection. This is the prevalent condition in our country as well as many other parts of the world, you can’t move out for the routine stuff or even for earning your livelihood. You may venture out only for two reasons either to get food or to get medical help. But if you are a frontline covid warrior in that case you daily put your life on the line to save hundreds of others lives. The lesson here is whatever we maybe earning, we must have a habit of saving first and then allocating money towards expenses, doing so our savings will gradually increase and they will be useful when we really need them.

In such times of turmoil and ever-changing scenario even if we isolate ourselves at home physically, the mental health also needs to be taken care of. When we are bright and high then we shall uplift the mood of others be it family at home or friends and relatives over the phone or video calls. And if someday we feel a bit low, then helping hands will come from unexpected directions and if they don’t, then pull yourself up and remind yourself that You are Tough and this will also pass away. Simply put, help others while you can so that when you need it, help will be just around the corner.

The activities that we do on a daily basis, this pandemic has made us realize how much of it is actually necessary and the rest can be just dropped. We have really come to know what are our priorities in life and we should question ourselves are we working towards them or not? Because by now many of us have realized there is no tomorrow, tomorrow will always remain tomorrow. Whatever we need to do or have to do, it is to be done today itself.

While there are various lessons that we have learnt from this pandemic, the most important one is ‘Death is Inevitable’, sooner or later it is going to happen to each one of us. Yesterday it was a friend, today it maybe a neighbor, tomorrow it could be me. We need not fear this instead we need to get wise as we become aware of this.

We should always question our self,

What matters the most to me? Am I taking care of that?

Towards which direction I wish to take my Life? Am I working for that?

As they say, past is memory and future is imagination, we must pay attention to what we are doing with our present and then our Life shall thrive.